errand dangling
obfuscated reality
conflict de rigueur
conflict de rigueur
got a shine on, leading to semiotic run-ons; it's a science of neurons. strange syringe,
i cop to being a proverbial pariah; laugh-off, i stagger the hangover in between
imaginary mayweather-pacquiao bouts and it's quite anti-climatic. cue laugh-track.
au voire mister, take the game off, quitting like the franchise ponderosa. quixotic, the
danger lies in my veins, so chaotic. in a zone, tragic, left feet seem erotic, it's a
mix, call my sister, she's no snow mae and my tryst went nowhere. queue means stand back.
rivulets insist a consideration that equips a fist on a face. lights-out, the chances
this semantic strategy succeeds is of constant constraint. green letters rain down and i
wonder about this persistent quack, like a duck, but really a camouflaged leopard.
explains my lack of reaction to the loud yelling a opposite a standard backyard; laugh, stand in line, swerve.
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