Sunday, June 23, 2013

the well is deep

recombinant TNA
minds blown*
the clues were close cause i could sniff em. i sent an emissary on an exploratory
expedition and held my cam so i wouldn't miss it. sliced my putting hand, but that was of
little concern since distance was of abject importance; it was part of the mission.
briefing my other self, i recognized the duality, a real jackson v burr reality. a black
-hole sun stunted my recovery; the dimensions had collapsed when a star died. it's a
sound garden i told the entity, a place to remember the impact. cylical as cyanide; as
death begats a new nativity.
i follow the
  trail w/
the prison has
        the boogeyman
  c. jung
found a
  courtroom &
        the jury was
sleightly ominous
        stealth serious
 axis the
G, A, T, C
strictly clinical
  the cortex
 is forced to be
*suspect still @ large

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

the grifter

saw an opening, drove to the lane, yet i forgot a 'p' and got stuck on the tarmac.
there is a fondness for the raw didactic; 
an affection for
being blunt. the mats 
are rolled so tight i can't get that contact, the one that
transfers, ferngully, finally, what was i typing; oh, that's right i'm tipping 10%.
can't control carlos, carlson, causation, nor any of those c-b-w's, it's like an
alphabetic soup for the soul. caught a foul ball and everyone stared: they had eyes of a
burnt cuban cigar. yet the cinder was lit (so was I, but hush, you lush) and i had to
obey: 'throw it back!' and so i did.
there was a chorus of cheers.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

star gazing

burnt retinas
string theory

maybe the burden is all mine; maybe the weight is on my shoulders. 
i have been diagnosed not only by professionals but also by friends: i am 
narcissistic, so it fits egotistically. however, it is so unintentional that 
i believe i reinforce it; everything
is compacted.
extending this idea: see the pattern. it's 
a fractal idealized in a form of simple
anecdotes, or concussive cohesions. slam 
the partic(u)l(ar)s together and see what
addtracts; call it digital chaos. Dropping 
is only for those in the stratosphere, the
ones who climbed to babylon.